Frequently Asked Questions
General SDK FAQs
- What do we need to get started?
- Why can I not enter my Postcode? Validation does not seem to work correctly.
- Do you provide partial rewards for survey disqualifications?
- Is there a way to specify minimum (or Maximum) Value for Surveys?
- Is there a way to specify minimum (or maximum) Length (in minutes) for Surveys?
- Do we have to use Server-to-Server callbacks?
- Do we have to use a "Test User" during testing? How does this work?
What do we need to get started?
Before getting started with the inBrain SDK integration, you will need to setup an account on our Publisher Dashboard. With your new account, create an app based on your platform and complete the following steps:
- Set your Publisher Currency. This is how much of your in-app currency you want to give your user for each $1 in revenue your app earns from a survey completion.
Create a Test User
Configure your Server to Server Callbacks. You can use as an easy way to test these callbacks,
Grab your Client ID and SDK Keys
Why can I not enter my Postcode? Validation does not seem to work correctly.
From time to time we get reports of the inBrain experience asking for a postcode with U.S validation when a user is in another country. It's important to note that the postcode validation comes from a combination of the device language/locale and the users IP address. Check both of those items on the device or emulator to be sure they are set correctly for your current location.
Do you provide partial rewards for survey disqualifications?
Yes, we provide partial survey rewards for disqualifications and are configured on a case by case scenario. Please contact your account rep for more information. Currently Partial rewards are limited to 6 per 24 hour period.
Is there a way to specify minimum (or Maximum) Value for Surveys?
Yes! We have a unique feature called Placement Filters. Let us know what Min/Max values to set for this filter and we can get it setup for you. You will receive a placementId guid that can be passed via the SDK. This will ensure that the surveys returned match the filter min/max you have defined.
Is there a way to specify minimum (or maximum) Length (in minutes) for Surveys?
Yes! We have a unique feature called Placement Filters. Let us know what Min/Max values to set for this filter and we can get it setup for you. You will receive a placementId guid that can be passed via the SDK. This will ensure that the surveys returned match the filter min/max you have defined.
Do we have to use Server-to-Server callbacks?
It's not required to use these server callbacks. If you have a Client/Server architecture, then we highly recommend this secure and redundant method for receiving user rewards from inBrain. If you opt not to use server callbacks, you can utilize in app reward retrieval
Do we have to use a "Test User" during testing? How does this work?
Yes, before testing surveys, be sure to add a "Test User" to the Publisher Dashboard and pass this Test User value as your user_id when initializing the SDK. Only Test Users will see testing surveys prior to your integration being put into Live mode. Once your app goes Live, these Test Users will continue to see Testing Surveys. This makes for easy testing and troubleshooting while your app integration is live.